Mothers who wish to donate their baby’s umbilical cord blood must answer “NO” to all of the following questions.
- Are you under 18 years of age?
- Do you have HIV/AIDS?
- Have you had, or do you currently have any form of Cancer?
(Excluding cured simple basal cell, squamous cell or cervical cancer.) - Do you currently take prescription medications for Diabetes? (Excluding Gestational Diabetes).
- Do you have, or have had, Hepatitis B surface antigen, or Hepatitis C antibody?
- Have you had a case of Malaria within the past three years?
- Are you a recipient of a heart, lung, kidney, stem cells, or other organ or tissue transplant?
- Have you had a tattoo within the last twelve months?
- Have you resided in, or traveled to an area with active zika transmission at any point during your pregnancy?
If you are interested in donating your baby’s cord blood, please contact us before the 34th week of pregnancy to pre-qualify and to ensure that your hospital is registered with CSCC.
Public Cord Blood Donation Bank
Donating your child’s cord blood is simple, safe and secure. The collection process does not hurt the mother or baby and does not interfere with the birthing experience.
This life-saving opportunity only happens at the time of birth. Public cord blood donations can be used for anyone in need and is a powerful medical research tool for fighting devastating chronic and acute diseases. In years past, the technology was not refined and very few stem cell transplants were conducted. Now, thousands of cord blood transplants have been conducted and several hundred clinical trials are underway. Nearly every medical specialty is investigating the healing powers of stem cell therapy. Hundreds of clinical trials are underway investigating the curing effects of cord blood stem cell therapy. Today, most cord blood stem cell transplants in the United States are conducted under clinical trials. It takes many years for the FDA to approve new medical treatments, so we recommend learning more about the successful outcomes of existing clinical research and then make your decision to donate your child’s cord blood.
Lives are being saved all over the world with the use of cord blood derived stem cells. Please don’t throw it away!
For more information on cord blood clinical research, visit www.clinicaltrials.gov.
In the past, cord blood was considered medical waste and was tossed into the garbage. Researchers have been investigating stem cells for over thirty year and realized the similarities between bone marrow and cord blood stem cells. For this reason, both private and public cord blood storage banks have been playing a key role in this advancement of the medical technology. Please contact us to find out if your hospital is registered with CSCC as a cord blood donor hospital.