Overview Health Care Professional
Offering your patients the opportunity to preserve their adipose tissue and stem cells for use in the future is a valuable way to expand the services you offer to your patients, and a useful resource in case management. In many procedures, such as liposuction or abdominoplasty, the patient is already having their adipose tissue collected, and therefore, storage at the time of procedure is highly convenient because it requires no additional harvest procedure. Patients that have their autologous tissue stored give you more options for treatment approaches, whether used alone or as an adjunct to commercial fillers and implants. Autologous tissue is natural, has no contraindications, and it is readily available as a resource for use as a dermal filler, in rejuvenation approaches, other cosmetic enhancements, or in future augmentation or reconstructive surgeries. And, in light of the rapidly advancing fields of cell therapy and tissue engineering, many doctors feel that since we now know there is value in a patient’s stem cells and adipose tissue, all patients today should be made aware of their option to bank before their resource is discarded. Even if there is not the convenience of a scheduled procedure, any patient can elect to collect and store their adipose tissue and stem cells.

Procedures where storage can benefit your patient
Cosmetic and Augmentation Procedures
- Facial rejuvenation
- Breast augmentation (with or w/out implants)
- Buttock augmentation (with or w/out implants)
- Body asymmetry
Reconstructive Procedures
- Breast reconstruction / radiation damaged skin
- Trauma and wound care treatment
Stem Cell Therapy (Tissue Engineering / Regenerative Medicine)
- Richest source of MSC (ASC) in the human body
- Capable of differentiation into multiple cell types
- Heart disease, stroke, orthopedic injuries, etc.

More Options
for Patients

Dr.’s must educate their patients

Additional Income
from New Procedures

Collection Kits
Simplify Process
Health Care Professional
How does CSCC service benefit my practice and patients?
Increased options for patient treatments and procedures:
- Patients have a convenient opportunity to preserve their stem cells at their youngest state for future use in tissue engineering, cell therapy and regenerative medicine.
- One harvest of fat for stem cell banking, or multiple uses in cosmetics and rejuvenation.
- Use to touch up for smoothing and balancing an area of prior surgery without further fat harvest, e.g. buttocks augmentation or post lumpectomy contour defect.
Additional income from new procedures or add-on to currently scheduled procedures:
- An additional 10%-15% ancillary revenue: Patients who are already having a procedure that involves their adipose tissue have an ideal opportunity to conveniently save their adipose stem cells for future use in regenerative medicine, and/or later use in cosmetics, augmentation, or reconstruction. Collection and preparation offers a new procedure fee.
- Educating patients about CSCC service is an opportunity to introduce and discuss other new procedures. For example, a patient undergoing liposuction who learns about banking, may gain interest in enhanced fat transfer for soft tissue defects or augmentation using their own tissue.

- Previous patients, as well as new patients, can come to you to collect and store a sample of their adipose tissue and stem cells for their potential use in regenerative medicine. A simple local anesthesia with syringe and microcannula collection takes 15 minutes or less to collect 60cc for storage.
What is the best way to integrate CSCC service into my practice?
CSCC has designed a simple 3 step approach for practice integration and patient education:
- Place patient education literature [brochure and easel] in waiting room, consultation rooms and exam rooms. Educate all applicable patients on the option to bank and value of storing their tissue and stem cells. All liposuction, fat transfer, abdominoplasty, breast reduction, thigh and arm lift patients have a convenient one-time opportunity to bank.
- Utilize the Patient Consent / Decline form for all patients listed above to ensure they are educated and make an informed decision.
- Have your patient coordinator or front office staff REGISTER THE PATIENT ONLINE at , The process takes only minutes and ensures the patient is registered. No payment is due until the tissue and cells have been successfully stored.
These 3 steps will create a system for easy patient education and a streamlined office and collection process.
How do I bill my patients?
CSCC charges the patient directly for kit, courier, and laboratory processing fees. Collection and preparation fees for CSCC related services are the sole discretion of the Provider. Billing structures include:
Collection and Preparation Fee: This fee recognizes services for your additional collection of tissue using the CSCC Collection Kit, and preparation of the tissue for courier pick up. [Fees routinely reported to be 10-15% of overall procedure cost.]
Tissue Preparation and Procedure Fee: This fee applies to the preparation of the tissue sample prior to use in cosmetics or other procedures. The cell enriched tissue sample will arrive to your practice in a 20cc syringes containing D5LR. Separation through inversion or centrifugation is required prior to use in treatment. Tissue preparation and treatment procedure fees can be applied. [Fee for centrifugation + customary fee for dermal filler injection]
What is the cost of the adipose banking service?
CSCC will bill your patient directly. The standard plan for CSCC service is $1105 for a small collection kit (up to 60cc tissue collected) and $1305 for a large collection kit (up to 240cc tissue collected). This includes collection kit, courier service, laboratory processing, cryopreservation, and first year storage. Thereafter, CSCC will bill your patient $150 each year for maintenance in storage. Yearly and monthly payment plans are also available.
Should you choose to collect and tissue bank larger samples than 240cc, we offer a price break on multiple kits. Each additional large kit (each 240cc collection) is an additional $820.
When tissue is requested for use in cosmetics or reconstruction, the patient is billed $400 for 350cc or less and $600 for over 350cc for thaw, wash, preparation and shipment of the tissue to your practice. Banked tissue is held in multiple aliquots whenever possible. Bag sizes are commonly 24cc or 56cc per bag. You may request any number of bags depending on the amount of tissue you want for the procedure.
How do I Register my patient for CSCC?
Registration is easy. Many practices choose to register the patient at the same time the procedure is scheduled. This ensures the patient is in our system. Your staff or your patient can go directly to and click on the REGISTER button under patient. The form takes about 2 minutes to complete. No payment is due from the patient until the tissue has been successfully stored. A confirmation email will be sent to your patient.
How do I perform the Collection Procedure?
CSCC provides your practice with two types of collection kits. Our kits feature sterile components and medical grade foam for temperature stability during shipment.
60 cc Stem Cell Collection Kit
Our 60cc kit contains 6, 10cc syringes and is designed for smaller volume collections primarily intended for stem cell banking. Collection is routinely performed as an additional volume, at the same time harvest is being performed for fat transfer. Fat composition varies from patient to patient and a 60cc collection results in storage of 1 cryobag containing 20-25 cc of stem cell enriched tissue for use in tissue engineering or regenerative medicine. Although 60cc is desired, a minimum of 20cc [2 syringes] is required.
240 cc Stem Cell PLUS Collection Kit
Our large, 240cc kit features 4, 60cc syringes and is designed for larger volume collections for stem cell banking and use in cosmetics, augmentation or reconstruction. Syringe collection is performed through a luer lok connection to a canister with filter [standard procedure for fat transfer] after liposuction. For procedures such as abdominoplasty, brachioplasty or breast reduction, liposuction or cannula collection should take place prior to surgical removal of tissue. A 240cc collection results in storage of 1 cryobag containing 20-25 cc of stem cell enriched tissue for use in tissue engineering or regenerative medicine PLUS four 30cc bags for use in cosmetics or other procedures. This will provide, on average, 20cc of enriched tissue per usage. We are not able to provide smaller volume requests at this time.
Does it matter which type of liposuction approach is used?
Yes. Minimal damage to adipocytes is best and most liposuction devices and approaches are fine for storage. Laser assisted liposuction, however, can cause damage to the tissue and cells, so for providers who use laser liposuction, e.g. SmartLipo, the collection of tissue for banking should take place with any other method prior to use of laser, including tumescent or syringe with microcannula depending on the desired volume for cryopreservation.
Note: According to their website, VASER-harvested fat is “optimized for subsequent fat grafting”.
Does the collection kit need a cold pack for shipment?
No. CSCC’s kits are constructed with medical grade foam that provides temperature stability during shipment. In the body, the cells are naturally maintained at 98.6 degrees, so ambient temperature during shipment is fine.