Translational Stem Cell Therapy Foundation
TSCT Foundation supports research, education, donation, processing and cell therapy for patients in need’.
Our program will increase patient access to stem cell based therapies and will help initiate new Investigator-initiated clinical trials for chronic and acute diseases. The participating donor hospitals are committed to delivering patients the most accurate, up to date information on stem cell therapy. We are all committed to bridging the gap between public awareness and public donation in order to meet the need of a diverse transplant demographic. There have been over 6,000 cord blood transplants worldwide. Although the current official status in the United States is “experimental”, cord blood is widely used as an alternative to bone marrow as a source of hematopoietic stem cells. Each success story using cord blood for transplants will initiate new research and Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews and new clinical trials.
“At Celebration Stem Cell Centre, every life is precious to us!” – Bill and Sherry Lund, Founders